
U.S. Department of State Program Trains Bangladesh Police in Preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism.

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Publish the report: 12 September, 2023
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U.S. Department of State Program Trains Bangladesh Police in Preventing Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism.

The U.S. Department of State’s Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism, along with partners from CRDF Global and Thin Blue Line, International, trained Bangladesh Police officials on investigative skills to counter chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) terrorism from August 20-28.  The program, split into a five-day technical course and a two-day instructor development workshop, engaged 29 law enforcement counterterrorism investigators, forensic experts, and bomb disposal specialists. Participants received comprehensive training designed to strengthen law enforcement capabilities to prevent, detect, disrupt, and respond to criminal and terrorist acquisition and use of weaponizable CBRNE materials and other low-technology, improvised threats. 


In the program, participants learned key characteristics and hazards of CBRNE materials and improvised explosive and delivery devices, explored specialized techniques for investigating CBRNE crime scenes, and applied best practices to collect forensic evidence to hold perpetrators accountable. They also identified critical capabilities, resources, and community outreach opportunities to detect indicators of terrorist planning in the CBRNE material acquisition phase, increasing the likelihood of preventing a catastrophic attack. Selected graduates of the technical course received additional instructor development training which will enable the Bangladesh Police to transfer this knowledge to future cohorts of officers. 


“One of the most enduring priorities of the United States is protecting our nation and the international community from the existential threats posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorism and preventing non-state actors from using chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high explosive weapons,” said U.S. Embassy Spokesperson Bryan Schiller. “As the WMD terrorism threat evolves, the United States relies on the full strength of our diplomacy and foreign assistance programs to prevent non-state actors from acquiring and using such weapons.” 


Terrorist groups operate globally, including in South Asia, and have long aspired to develop and employ WMD capabilities.  The U.S. Department of State works worldwide to strengthen international capabilities to overcome these challenges and counter these serious threats.  The Government of Bangladesh is an important partner in these efforts.

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